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Grumbles from the Gearbox

Early Winter

Winter glare and November fog

Dangerous mist and hazy sunshine
Congratulations to our colleagues and friends in Wales who are returning to work this morning. I hope you get off to a great and smooth start without too many bunnyhops from your pupils looking for the long lost biting point. Those of us still off have this joy yet to come again. Let us just hope that the one month break we are on will have the desired effect and we can all get back out there for a few weeks before Christmas arrives.

Our colleagues and friends north of the border in Scotland are getting used to the compulsory wearing of face masks that has been brought in by their Parliament. Do you think this should be standard practice across the UK?

Recently we were encouraged to download the new NHS Track & Trace app, I know many of our colleagues out there were concerned at the rate this would run down their phone's batteries.  I have good news for you all, that have not got it yet, the amount of power it uses is negligible and it does not affect your phones running abilities. I have had it on my phone since they released it and would not know it is there. No extra charging of the phone needed during the day.
There is are 2 new 'webinars' from the dvsa soon and you can see the details here where you can register. It will cover Business Expenses for the Self-Employed (1st), Car Expenses and the Self Employed (2nd) and all you have to do is register. Something you can apply if not already aware to do whilst off for November. You can even submit questions you would like to ask. One is on Tuesday 10th Nov at 11.15am (tomorrow) so better get in there quickly to register as we do not have a lot of notice for this one, the other is on Thursday 12th.

We all know that at this time of year we get a lot of very changeable weather from the heavy rain of the recent months, from the early morning glare of the sun on a wet road surface, to the fog and misty conditions of November with the low temperatures bring us the frosty and icy conditions later in the month.  It is such a shame that we cannot teach, those of us in England that is, at the moment as I love to bring these items into the lesson from a practical viewpoint and not just theoretical discussion.  It adds variety to the lessons and is a brilliant learning curve for the pupils learning at this time of year.  Hopefully they will take the knowledge gained home with them to share with family and friends to help keep us all a little safer out there.
Keep safe out there and keep in touch with each other.
by Don Harris 04 Oct, 2023
The DVsA response to recent media criticism about the current test waiting times is to throw in the kitchen sink - but, is this the right solution?
by Don Harris 11 Aug, 2023
Are the DvSA morally bankrupt?
by Grumbler 26 Sept, 2022
Why bother, the job is not what it used to be?
by The Grumbler 21 Jul, 2022
Where on earth does the dvsa thinking come from, we know where it belongs?
AADI wanting to work together with the dvsa
by Grumbler 10 Jul, 2022
The AADI is offering to help the dvsa with its poor public image to help clear up some confusing issues on the driving test for driving instructors and learners in the UK and make their lives easier.
by The Grumbler 17 Jun, 2022
AADI advising the dvsa, and they are at last listening.
by The Grumbler 27 Feb, 2022
Did the dvsa go too far opening new theory centres when tests are not available?
by The Grumbler 27 Feb, 2022
We are all Ambassadors for our chosen profession
letter to the dvsa from an ADi
by The Grumbler 18 Feb, 2022
Dear dvsa, DVSA thanks for all the recent emails,... keeping us ADIs up to date. I should like to discuss with you a few of the points that you have raised. "It is all our fault (the ADI) that the booking system is in chaos and our fault that candidates are not turning up for the test".
by The Grumbler 20 Jan, 2022
how the dvsa fails its customers on a daily basis
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